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Will I Receive Workers’ Comp for a Repetitive Stress Injury?
Will I Receive Workers’ Comp for a Repetitive Stress Injury?

08Dec 2021

Will I Receive Workers’ Comp for a Repetitive Stress Injury?

When you perform the same motion repeatedly, it can lead to a repetitive strain. This usually causes pain in your muscle or tendon that will only worsen if you keep it up. Most workers suffer from this but assume it’s a part of their job.…

What Is Guardianship Under North Carolina Law?
What Is Guardianship Under North Carolina Law?

19Nov 2021

What Is Guardianship Under North Carolina Law?

Most people don't understand guardianship. Once you’re 18 years, the law deems you an adult, and to a large extent, you’re allowed to make your decisions. However, there are times and instances where a person loses the mental capacity to make choices. These decisions are…

Does Workers’ Comp Cover Remote Workers in Charlotte, NC?
Does Workers’ Comp Cover Remote Workers in Charlotte, NC?

15Nov 2021

Does Workers’ Comp Cover Remote Workers in Charlotte, NC?

Remote workers have become a major part of business’s employee cadre recently. Charlotte workers’ compensation lawyers understand that the COVID-19 pandemic changed many things. It affected several aspects of our lives, including employment. For example, it achieved what advocates of remote working couldn’t do in…

What Questions Should I Ask My Charlotte Work Comp Lawyer?
What Questions Should I Ask My Charlotte Work Comp Lawyer?

12Nov 2021

What Questions Should I Ask My Charlotte Work Comp Lawyer?

A work comp lawyer might be a good professional to know. No matter how diligent a person is at their job, chances are they might get in a work-related accident or suffer injuries. Similarly, a work hazard may cause a person to develop an occupational…

Am I Eligible for an Annulment in North Carolina?
Am I Eligible for an Annulment in North Carolina?

08Nov 2021

Am I Eligible for an Annulment in North Carolina?

If you wish to terminate your marriage legally, an annulment is one of the ways you can do so. Apart from ending your marital union, an annulment means that your marriage never existed in the eyes of the law. In simpler terms, the law acknowledges…

Can a Man Receive Spousal Support in Charlotte, NC?
Can a Man Receive Spousal Support in Charlotte, NC?

25Oct 2021

Can a Man Receive Spousal Support in Charlotte, NC?

Spousal support is typically seen as a thing for women, but can a man access it? As Charlotte family law lawyers, we know divorce usually evokes many contentious issues. One such problem which requires resolution after a divorce is spousal maintenance. Following a Charlotte divorce,…

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