Abuse isn’t uncommon in relationships today; most people are either struggling with it or worried about experiencing it. The concept of domestic violence is entirely tragic and quite frightening. To get help more quickly, it is important to know the signs of domestic violence and what you should do when you’re experiencing them.
Statistics show that nearly three in every ten women and one in every ten men experience physical abuse, rape, or stalking. Additionally, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking. To help you understand better and to get out of a frightening situation, this article explores signs of domestic violence and what to do in such cases.
If you suffer domestic abuse from a spouse or partner, contact our Charlotte family law lawyers at Waple & Houk immediately.
When most people hear of domestic violence, they first think of physical violence. Although this form of violence is the most prevalent, there are other types as well. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware that emotional abuse is even more common than physical violence.
Most people today have experienced a form of psychological aggression in their lifetime. Domestic violence primarily causes pain, post-traumatic stress, confusion, and harm. Unfortunately, women and men are not the only people exposed to domestic violence; children also suffer. That’s why you have to know the signs of domestic violence and the best action you should take.
In North Carolina, domestic violence can be financial, physical, sexual, or emotional. Emotional abuse takes on different shapes and comes through various forms. However, victims are protected by the civil law statute in North Carolina and also by criminal laws.
The statute is quite broad in its protection against abuse. It still offers victims protection even when they’re no longer in the relationship with the offender during the abuse. The best part is that the law covers various personal relationships and isn’t limited to marriage. The North Carolina law also extends this protection to any act or threats against your children or other household members.
The types of domestic violence include emotional, physical, financial, and sexual abuse. Each type has signs you need to look out for to determine if your loved one is experiencing domestic violence. You must learn how to discern the signs of domestic violence early so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Several signs inform you when one is going through emotional abuse. Some include patronizing language, jealousy, humiliation, controlling attitude, derogatory name-calling, and many more. The mistake that most victims make is that they create excuses for their abusive partners. Emotional abuse exploits your vulnerability and aims to cause you guilt and shame.
When it comes to financial abuse, it is relatively easy to spot. If your partner starts hiding cash, controls your finances fully, and constantly condemns your spending habit, it’s financial abuse. Most abusive partners always remind the victim they’re the breadwinner. Also, a sign is when your partner tells you that you won’t survive without their support.
Sexual abuse can be hard to determine. Some signs include: inflicted bodily injuries during sex or acts of aggression in sexual moments. It also covers non-consensual sexual actions and threats to cheat if a partner doesn’t comply.
Some signs of domestic violence in the physical abuse category you should note are bruises, cuts, and several other injuries to the body. There are times when the physical abuse doesn’t leave any mark but is still a form of abuse. Acts of aggression and threats also fall into this category. For example, when your partner breaks objects to frighten you, you’re undergoing physical abuse.
An option is to call the domestic violence hotline of your city. You can also try talking to family and friends and when you’re in immediate danger, call 911. Also, get resources on possession of the marital home, child custody, restraining order, and many more.
A family law attorney can help you get compensation if you or your loved ones have experienced domestic abuse. North Carolina allows victims to apply for Domestic Violence Protective Order. With many options available for you, you will need a lawyer to guide you through the process. Schedule a confidential consultation today to take your first step away from domestic violence.
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