
Why Do I Need a Family Lawyer in Charlotte?

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Why Do I Need a Family Lawyer in Charlotte?


Why Do I Need a Family Lawyer in Charlotte?

A lot of people assume that all family lawyers in Charlotte do is handle divorce cases. This couldn’t be further from the truth. After all, they’re called family lawyers – not divorce lawyers. There are certainly Charlotte family law attorneys who specialize in divorce. But most handle all kinds of cases. Here, we’ll talk about the different types of cases family lawyers handle. This will go a long way in showing you why you may need a family lawyer in Charlotte sooner than you think.

Of Course, Charlotte Family Law Attorneys Handle Divorce Cases

One of the most common types of cases our attorneys handle is divorce cases. The divorce rate in North Carolina ranges from 12-14%, depending on the city. This may come as a surprise given the fact that most people believe the divorce rate is closer to 50-60%. However, even at just 12%, that are still a lot of divorces every year.

While some people choose to handle their own divorce cases, that may not be the best idea. When it comes to the family court judges in Charlotte, they don’t take pity on people who have no attorney. If you don’t file the right papers or meet the court-ordered deadlines, things will not go smoothly for you. When you hire a family lawyer in Charlotte, you don’t have to worry about this happening.

Some people think that, if they go into the courtroom without a lawyer, the judge will take pity on them. The opposite is true. When the judge sees that you’ve chosen not to hire a lawyer, they will hold you to the same standard they would if you were an attorney. Of course, this doesn’t mean they’ll expect you to know the law like a family lawyer in Charlotte would. But that doesn’t mean they take pity on you. They’ll just point out that you had the option of hiring an attorney and chose not to.

Charlotte Family Law Attorneys Also Handle Custody and Child Support Matters

Some of our clients dealt with their divorce years ago. However, they find themselves in the position of needing a family lawyer in Charlotte once again. Some need our help getting their child support reduced (or increased.) Others are engaged in a bitter custody battle and want more time with their kids.

Regardless of the reason, we file motions on behalf of our clients all the time. The thing about a motion hearing is that it can change your life. For a parent who only gets to see their children once a month, a motion hearing means everything to them. For a single mom who hasn’t received child support in over 3 years, a motion to attach the father’s wages can mean everything to her. We are here to help people in this kind of situation.

Some Clients Come to Us for a Prenuptial Agreement

Despite what you may see on television, a lot of normal, everyday people hire a family lawyer in Charlotte to draft a prenuptial agreement. Many of our clients come to us to draw up an agreement that will protect them if they end up getting divorced.

A prenuptial agreement is not a bad thing. It simply lists the debts and assets of the two parties. This helps the couple separate individual assets from joint assets if they decide to divorce down the road. For example, if the man owns two houses and the woman rents an apartment, it wouldn’t be fair for him to lose these properties in a divorce.

Our Firm Helps Couples Looking to Adopt a Child

Not everything a family lawyer in Charlotte does involves family conflict. We actually help couples adopt children as well. Whether you’re looking to do a private adoption or have an adoption agency in mind, we can help.

Our attorneys have decades of combined experience helping families come together. We have relationships with local adoption agencies and can help guide our clients to an agency that works for them. We can also help couples who already have a birth mother in mind. We can draft an ironclad contract so that the adoption goes through smoothly.

With recent issues regarding same-sex couples adopting children, we are happy to help anybody interesting in starting a family. We do our best to make sure every couple looking to adopt a child reaches their goal.

You Never Know When You May Need a Family Lawyer in Charlotte

You may be reading this article, thinking that you’ll never need a family lawyer in Charlotte. However, you never know when things in your life will change. Even if your marriage is solid now, you have no idea how things will be in five or ten years. Or you may think you’re done having children only to decide down the road that you want to adopt a child.

We have clients come back to us time and time again. They may retain a family lawyer in Charlotte to draft a prenuptial agreement. Then, a few years later, they hire us to handle this divorce. Before we know it, they’re calling us to file a custody motion. In a matter of four or five years, we may represent the same clients multiple times. This is because we work hard to get our clients the best possible results. We also treat our clients the way they should be treated.

Contact an Experienced Family Lawyer in Charlotte Today

While many people think Charlotte family law attorneys do nothing but file divorces all day, that isn’t the case. Our team handles all sorts of matters – from divorces to adoptions. We try to keep things amicable so that our clients don’t feel the stress associated with things like child custody disputes or legal separation. We also remind our clients that they need to stay calm regardless of the outcome. We understand how anxious family matters can be. This is why we take the reins and let our clients stay calm.

Even if you don’t need a family lawyer in Charlotte today, you may need one in the near future. If so, you can always call our office and schedule a consultation. Having a family lawyer in Charlotte by your side during any kind of legal matter is a good idea. You don’t want to appear unprepared, and you don’t want to be taken advantage of.

Call our firm and speak to one of our associates. Set up a date and time to come in and sit down with someone who has your best interests at heart.

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