
Workers’ Compensation: 3 Reasons Nurses Should File

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Workers’ Compensation: 3 Reasons Nurses Should File


Workers’ Compensation: 3 Reasons Nurses Should File

Adoption is the permanent legal transfer of all parental rights from one person or a couple to another. International adoption happens across national boundaries. These rights are the same as that of the biological parents. In the same vein, the adopted child enjoys the same emotional and social benefits as a biological child.

Child adoption does not necessarily have to be intrastate (within North Carolina). North Carolina residents can adopt a child from another country through permanent legal means.

The procedure and requirements for international adoption vary from one country to another. In North Carolina, the process can be long and complicated. It involves complying with U.S and North Carolina laws, adoption regulations of the foreign country, United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) requirements, and re-adoption procedures.

If a person in Charlotte, NC, is considering international adoption, then it is advised to consult an experienced adoption lawyer. The lawyer will guide you through the adoption process.

Procedure for International Adoption in North Carolina

The procedure for international adoption in North Carolina includes the following:

1. Choose the Desired Country to Adopt From

Choose the desired country where you want to adopt a child. This decision affects the outcome of the adoption process. Once a decision has been reached, you need to research accredited international adoption agencies.

North Carolina international adoption agencies specialize in specific countries. They will help you comply with the chosen country’s requirements and navigate the adoption process.

2. Choose a Hague-Accredited International Adoption Agency

As earlier stated, research international adoption agencies once you decide the country you want to adopt. The adoption agency must be accredited to do too.

In North Carolina, adoption and immigration procedures are dependent on whether the child’s country is a signatory to the Hague Adoption Convention. The treaty was enacted in 1993 to safeguard international adoption and protect the children adopted overseas.

3. Apply to the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

There are requirements to be met to be eligible to adopt abroad and bring the child back to North Carolina. First, you have to apply to the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Next, you will file Form 1-800A if the prospective child resides in a country signatory to the Hague Convention. Conversely, you will file Form 1-600 for a Non-Hague Convention Country. After filing the forms, the USCIS will review your application and deem you eligible or ineligible. Note that you also need the approval of the adoption authorities in the child’s home country.

4. Wait for an Adoption Opportunity

After being granted adoption eligibility, the next step is to wait for the adoption opportunity. Most adoptive families are familiar with the waiting period. Some consider it the most challenging part of the process. The waiting period is dependent on the country you decide to adopt from.

5. Apply for the Child’s Immigration Eligibility

After meeting the child in their home country, you should ensure they can immigrate back to North Carolina. Whether the adoption is finalized in the child’s home country, it is crucial to complete the process in North Carolina.

The immigration process of the child is done by filing the necessary Form 1-800A or Form 1-600A. Once the child’s immigration request is granted, the adopter will file Form DS-260 to receive their visa. The immigrant visa an adopted child may receive are:

  • IR-3 Visa: This visa automatically makes the adopted child a U.S. citizen. If eligible, the child will receive a Certificate of Citizenship.
  • IR-4 Visa: This does not guarantee the child’s U.S. citizenship. To officially become a U.S. citizen, the adopter will take further steps to complete the re-adoption process.

What Is Re-Adoption?

Re-adoption is the process of finalizing an international child adoption process. The process ensures that the child enjoys the rights and privileges as any other U.S. citizen. It also protects them against future deportation. The benefits of re-adoption upon completion include:

  • Obtaining a Certificate of Foreign Birth, which is equivalent to the U.S. birth certificate
  • Protection from changes in foreign laws
  • Ensuring your child’s inheritance rights
  • Ease of securing government-issued documents
  • Documenting that the adoption is final

Once international adoption has been finalized in the child’s home country, re-adoption is not required. However, this process, though not mandatory, is highly recommended.

Begin Your International Adoption Process With Us Today!

If you want to adopt a child outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, contact a Charlotte family law lawyer at Waple & Houk. We will help you gather vital documentation, start and complete the adoption process. Book a free initial consultation with us today.Nurses usually dedicate most of their lives to helping people heal. However, they’re not immune from sustaining injuries while still taking care of others. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded that over 20,000 registered nurses reported injuries in 2019. Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration shared that the most dangerous workplace is a hospital. If you were injured while working in a hospital or any healthcare facility, you should file for workers’ compensation.

Nurses are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if they suffer a job-related injury. You will receive coverage for medical bills, lost wages, and even disability benefits if you’re eligible. In this article, the Waple & Houk workers’ compensation lawyers will provide you with top reasons why nurses should file for workers’ comp.

Reasons Why Nurses Should File for Workers’ Compensation

Most employers need workers’ compensation insurance because of the law. It includes clinics, hospitals, surgical centers, and other healthcare facilities. If you’re a nurse and perform duties at any of these facilities, you can file a claim for workers’ comp. If you’re looking for a reason why you should file for workers’ comp, below are three reasons why.

Protection of Your Health and Your Patients

It will help you protect your health and your patient’s health. When you’re trying to work through an injury without taking time to heal, you’ll put nurses, patients, and the hospital as a whole at risk. When fatigued or stressed because of an injury, you could cause medication error and infection. This error could lead to a malpractice lawsuit for you and the hospital.

Medical Bills Are Huge

The medical cost for different injuries can be huge. If you sustain an injury while working, the medical bills could put a dent in your pocket. However, workers’ comp benefits will cover your medical expenses for the job-related injury. When you choose not to file, you would be left paying the bills out-of-pocket.

You Don’t Have to Prove Fault

As a nurse, you don’t have to worry about proving whether you’re negligent and caused the injury or not. Although you need to provide strong evidence that your injury happened at work, there’s no need to show fault. Once you have proof that it was work-related, you are eligible for compensation. However, you will not receive your benefits if you intentionally caused an accident that injured you.

Common Workplace Hazards That Nurses Face

Nursing is a dangerous profession. Nurses face several dangers while working in healthcare facilities; below are some of them.

Infectious Diseases

Nurses are exposed to several infectious diseases. The COVID-19 crisis highlighted how exposed nurses are in the course of their duty. If you have patients hospitalized for bacterial infections, you are at risk of contracting skin infections, respiratory or blood infections. You should seek workers’ comp benefits to cover the medical bills in such cases.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Some common occurrences in healthcare facilities are spills, newly mopped floors, and even unsteady patients. Such situations usually put nurses at significant risk of being involved in a slip and fall accident. A common injury that nurses experience when they slip and fall is head injury. If you suffer any injury because of slip and fall accidents, you shouldn’t hesitate to file a workers’ comp claim.


Nurses can also suffer injuries due to overexertion. It occurs due to moving, lifting, or repositioning patients. That’s why sprains and strains are among the frequently reported injuries among healthcare workers. Overexertion injuries usually affect the lower back and shoulder. A hibernated disc is a common injury when transferring or lifting patients.

Needle Injuries

Sharp injuries occur when you puncture a part of your body with a needle or other sharp objects. Nurses use needles to administer drugs, place catheters and even draw blood. Nurses are also at risk of needle sticks while performing their duties. If a non-sterile needle pricks you, you’re at risk of infectious disease and should seek compensation.

Contact Our Experienced Charlotte Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Although you cannot sue your boss for a work injury, you can file a workers’ compensation claim. This ensures that you have coverage for medical bills, lost wages, and even disability benefits if you have one. The exciting part is that there’s no reason to prove fault; you just need to prove that the injuries are work-related.

However, you need to prepare for insurance carriers trying to oppose your claim. In such cases, you need an expert Charlotte workers’ compensation lawyer. Our workers’ comp lawyers at Waple & Houk have years of experience dealing with workers’ comp cases. We will help you file a successful claim and get you the compensation you deserve. Contact our office for a free case review today.

For more information, read our dedicated page to workers’ compensation for nurses.

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