Being in a situation where you are looking to receive workers’ compensation benefits in Charlotte can be difficult.
You won’t know how to get started, which rules apply, and what not to do. This is where Waple & Houk PLLC comes into the equation as one of the best local law firms for your needs.
Our Charlotte workers’ compensation lawyers are qualified to assist with these types of cases and have represented hundreds of clients with success.
This is what makes us one of the best in the business at what we do.
For more on what we have to offer at Waple & Houk PLLC, please take the time to reach out to us.
It all starts with the established income limits in the state of North Carolina.
You are going to have to understand there are strict regulations in place for the income limits associated with this type of process.
The workers’ compensation benefit will go up to an income limit of approximately $46,000-$48,000. These rules are then calculated based on your income and relevant monetary numbers.
Since this can be complicated to go through on your own, it is best to have one of our financial experts help at the law firm. We are dedicated to the task and know what it takes to maximize your legal requirements.
There are four types of disability benefits available based on how severely and how long you are impaired by a workplace injury or occupational illness. If an employee dies as a result of their job duties, their family receives death benefits.
This is paid out when a person is still healing. When an employee can’t work due to an injury, this will be referred to as temporary total disability.
You will have to apply after the seven-day mark (post-injury) to get the benefits.
These benefits can continue for up to 500 weeks and it is possible to go past this mark depending on the case. These payments are made weekly. In North Carolina, the amount of temporary total disability benefits is 2/3 of your average weekly wage.
TPD is only paid out when the injured employee comes back to work after recovering. This can include coming back in another position while making less money.
These benefits can continue for up to 500 weeks.
The amount that is going to be paid will be 2/3 of the difference between your average weekly wage and current reduced earnings.
PPD is restricted to a specific time, which is at the end of the recovery phase for the injured employee. This is noted as MMI or Maximum Medical Improvement.
The reason for doing this is to make sure the disability has been assessed in detail including the maximum recovery associated with it. This can shed light on how the benefit is going to come through. It is important to note, the employee has to show this is going to continue to be a problem for the rest of their lives leading to impacting their ability to work.
The injury is going to be listed as a scheduled injury.
There are strict weeks of benefits associated with each body part. A good example of this would be your hands having 200 weeks of benefits assigned to them.
This is only paid under specific circumstances depending on what the injury was.
Since this is a permanent disability benefit, it will refer to the severity of the employee’s injury and that will have to meet the established criteria. For example, an injured employee will have to be checked for whether or not the disability is going to interfere with their ability to work.
This can include losing both hands, arms, legs, eyes, and/or any other combination of multiple body parts.
If this is the case, it would be noted as a permanent total disability and there are specific benefits that come under this category.
It is important to note, this is not only restricted to specific or multiple body parts. Instead, it can also include paralysis caused by spinal injuries and/or brain injuries that have the same effect.
If your loved one has died after a workplace injury, you may be entitled to receive benefits. The death benefits for funeral and burial expenses in NC are up to $10,000. The decedent’s spouse and minors may receive two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly income as death benefits. The compensation runs up to 500 weeks after they start receiving the benefits.
In North Carolina, there is a specific calculation that is used for workers’ compensation benefits.
This means the benefit will be the difference between 2/3 of your current wage and the average weekly wage paid by the previous employer.
This is something to keep a note of when it comes to the financial details associated with the case. Our legal team is well-versed in these calculations and will make sure you get every penny that you deserve.
Feel free to reach out to us if you are confused about anything. We will go through each detail along the way so you are aware of what your legal options are.
Taxation is one of the core details you are going to worry about when it comes to your workers’ compensation benefits in Charlotte.
It is important to note, you are not going to be taxed on the benefits that are coming in. This means you are going to get 100% of the amount that is yours.
This is ideal when it comes to moving forward with your life and ensuring you can take care of yourself. We realize this is a difficult time financially and that is why we always let you know about these regulations in advance.
If you want to make sure things are done properly, Waple & Houk PLLC is the way to go. We are a law firm that is all about working hard for our clients.
If you are on the lookout for a competent legal team with years of qualified experience, Waple & Houk PLLC continues to be the go-to option for your needs. We are proven, fast, and will always put in the effort needed to deliver value.
To get started with one of our leading lawyers, please take the time to reach out to us. Waple & Houk PLLC is all about setting high standards, and that is a must when it comes to your workers’ compensation benefits in Charlotte.